Source code for pettingzoo.utils.wrappers.capture_stdout
from pettingzoo.utils.capture_stdout import capture_stdout
from pettingzoo.utils.env import AECEnv
from pettingzoo.utils.wrappers.base import BaseWrapper
class CaptureStdoutWrapper(BaseWrapper):
"""Takes an environment which prints to terminal, and gives it an `ansi` render mode where it captures the terminal output and returns it as a string instead."""
def __init__(self, env: AECEnv):
assert isinstance(
env, AECEnv
), "CaptureStdoutWrapper is only compatible with AEC environments"
assert hasattr(env, "render_mode"), f"Environment {env} has no render_mode."
assert (
env.render_mode == "human" # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues]
), f"CaptureStdoutWrapper works only with human rendering mode, but found {env.render_mode} instead." # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues]
self.render_mode = "ansi"
def render(self) -> str:
with capture_stdout() as stdout:
val = stdout.getvalue()
return val
def __str__(self) -> str:
return str(self.env)