Source code for pettingzoo.butterfly.knights_archers_zombies.knights_archers_zombies

# noqa: D212, D415
# Knights Archers Zombies ('KAZ')

```{figure} butterfly_knights_archers_zombies.gif
:width: 200px
:name: knights_archers_zombies

This environment is part of the <a href='..'>butterfly environments</a>. Please read that page first for general information.

| Import               | `from pettingzoo.butterfly import knights_archers_zombies_v10` |
| Actions              | Discrete                                                       |
| Parallel API         | Yes                                                            |
| Manual Control       | Yes                                                            |
| Agents               | `agents= ['archer_0', 'archer_1', 'knight_0', 'knight_1']`     |
| Agents               | 4                                                              |
| Action Shape         | (1,)                                                           |
| Action Values        | [0, 5]                                                         |
| Observation Shape    | (512, 512, 3)                                                  |
| Observation Values   | (0, 255)                                                       |
| State Shape          | (720, 1280, 3)                                                 |
| State Values         | (0, 255)                                                       |

Zombies walk from the top border of the screen down to the bottom border in unpredictable paths. The agents you control are knights and archers (default 2 knights and 2 archers) that are initially positioned at the bottom border of the screen. Each agent can rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise
and move forward or backward. Each agent can also attack to kill zombies. When a knight attacks, it swings a mace in an arc in front of its current heading direction. When an archer attacks, it fires an arrow in a straight line in the direction of the archer's heading. The game ends when all
agents die (collide with a zombie) or a zombie reaches the bottom screen border. A knight is rewarded 1 point when its mace hits and kills a zombie. An archer is rewarded 1 point when one of their arrows hits and kills a zombie.
There are two possible observation types for this environment, vectorized and image-based.

#### Vectorized (Default)
Pass the argument `vector_state=True` to the environment.

The observation is an (N+1)x5 array for each agent, where `N = num_archers + num_knights + num_swords + max_arrows + max_zombies`.
> Note that `num_swords = num_knights`

The ordering of the rows of the observation look something like this:
[current agent],
[archer 1],
[archer N],
[knight 1],
[knight M],
[sword 1],
[sword M],
[arrow 1],
[arrow max_arrows],
[zombie 1],
[zombie max_zombies]

In total, there will be N+1 rows. Rows with no entities will be all 0, but the ordering of the entities will not change.

**Vector Breakdown**

This breaks down what a row in the observation means. All distances are normalized to [0, 1].
Note that for positions, [0, 0] is the top left corner of the image. Down is positive y, Left is positive x.

For the vector for `current agent`:
- The first value means nothing and will always be 0.
- The next four values are the position and angle of the current agent.
  - The first two values are position values, normalized to the width and height of the image respectively.
  - The final two values are heading of the agent represented as a unit vector.

For everything else:
- Each row of the matrix (this is an 5 wide vector) has a breakdown that looks something like this:
  - The first value is the absolute distance between an entity and the current agent.
  - The next four values are relative position and absolute angles of each entity relative to the current agent.
    - The first two values are position values relative to the current agent.
    - The final two values are the angle of the entity represented as a directional unit vector relative to the world.


There is an option to prepend a typemask to each row vector. This can be enabled by passing `use_typemasks=True` as a kwarg.

The typemask is a 6 wide vector, that looks something like this:
[0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.]

Each value corresponds to either
[zombie, archer, knight, sword, arrow, current agent]

If there is no entity there, the whole typemask (as well as the whole state vector) will be 0.

As a result, setting `use_typemask=True` results in the observation being a (N+1)x11 vector.

**Sequence Space** (Experimental)

There is an option to also pass `sequence_space=True` as a kwarg to the environment. This just removes all non-existent entities from the observation and state vectors. Note that this is **still experimental** as the state and observation size are no longer constant. In particular, `N` is now a
variable number.

#### Image-based
Pass the argument `vector_state=False` to the environment.

Each agent observes the environment as a square region around itself, with its own body in the center of the square. The observation is represented as a 512x512 pixel image around the agent, or in other words, a 16x16 agent sized space around the agent.

### Manual Control

Move the archer using the 'W', 'A', 'S' and 'D' keys. Shoot the Arrow using 'F' key. Rotate the archer using 'Q' and 'E' keys.
Press 'X' key to spawn a new archer.

Move the knight using the 'I', 'J', 'K' and 'L' keys. Stab the Sword using ';' key. Rotate the knight using 'U' and 'O' keys.
Press 'M' key to spawn a new knight.

### Arguments

``` python

`spawn_rate`:  how many cycles before a new zombie is spawned. A lower number means zombies are spawned at a higher rate.

`num_archers`:  how many archer agents initially spawn.

`num_knights`:  how many knight agents initially spawn.

`max_zombies`: maximum number of zombies that can exist at a time

`max_arrows`: maximum number of arrows that can exist at a time

`killable_knights`:  if set to False, knight agents cannot be killed by zombies.

`killable_archers`:  if set to False, archer agents cannot be killed by zombies.

`pad_observation`:  if agents are near edge of environment, their observation cannot form a 40x40 grid. If this is set to True, the observation is padded with black.

`line_death`:  if set to False, agents do not die when they touch the top or bottom border. If True, agents die as soon as they touch the top or bottom border.

`vector_state`: whether to use vectorized state, if set to `False`, an image-based observation will be provided instead.

`use_typemasks`: only relevant when `vector_state=True` is set, adds typemasks to the vectors.

`sequence_space`: **experimental**, only relevant when `vector_state=True` is set, removes non-existent entities in the vector state.

### Version History

* v10: Add vectorizable state space (1.17.0)
* v9: Code rewrite and numerous fixes (1.16.0)
* v8: Code cleanup and several bug fixes (1.14.0)
* v7: Minor bug fix relating to end of episode crash (1.6.0)
* v6: Fixed reward structure (1.5.2)
* v5: Removed black death argument (1.5.0)
* v4: Fixed observation and rendering issues (1.4.2)
* v3: Misc bug fixes, bumped PyGame and PyMunk version (1.4.0)
* v2: Fixed bug in how `dones` were computed (1.3.1)
* v1: Fixes to how all environments handle premature death (1.3.0)
* v0: Initial versions release (1.0.0)


import os
import sys
from itertools import repeat

import gymnasium
import numpy as np
import pygame
import pygame.gfxdraw
from gymnasium.spaces import Box, Discrete, Sequence
from gymnasium.utils import EzPickle, seeding

from pettingzoo import AECEnv
from pettingzoo.butterfly.knights_archers_zombies.manual_policy import ManualPolicy
from pettingzoo.butterfly.knights_archers_zombies.src import constants as const
from pettingzoo.butterfly.knights_archers_zombies.src.img import get_image
from pettingzoo.butterfly.knights_archers_zombies.src.players import Archer, Knight
from pettingzoo.butterfly.knights_archers_zombies.src.weapons import Arrow, Sword
from pettingzoo.butterfly.knights_archers_zombies.src.zombie import Zombie
from pettingzoo.utils import agent_selector, wrappers
from pettingzoo.utils.conversions import parallel_wrapper_fn

sys.dont_write_bytecode = True

__all__ = ["ManualPolicy", "env", "parallel_env", "raw_env"]

[docs] def env(**kwargs): env = raw_env(**kwargs) env = wrappers.AssertOutOfBoundsWrapper(env) env = wrappers.OrderEnforcingWrapper(env) return env
parallel_env = parallel_wrapper_fn(env)
[docs] class raw_env(AECEnv, EzPickle): metadata = { "render_modes": ["human", "rgb_array"], "name": "knights_archers_zombies_v10", "is_parallelizable": True, "render_fps": const.FPS, "has_manual_policy": True, } def __init__( self, spawn_rate=20, num_archers=2, num_knights=2, max_zombies=10, max_arrows=10, killable_knights=True, killable_archers=True, pad_observation=True, line_death=False, max_cycles=900, vector_state=True, use_typemasks=False, sequence_space=False, render_mode=None, ): EzPickle.__init__( self, spawn_rate=spawn_rate, num_archers=num_archers, num_knights=num_knights, max_zombies=max_zombies, max_arrows=max_arrows, killable_knights=killable_knights, killable_archers=killable_archers, pad_observation=pad_observation, line_death=line_death, max_cycles=max_cycles, vector_state=vector_state, use_typemasks=use_typemasks, sequence_space=sequence_space, render_mode=render_mode, ) # variable state space self.sequence_space = sequence_space if self.sequence_space: assert vector_state, "vector_state must be True if sequence_space is True." assert ( use_typemasks ), "use_typemasks should be True if sequence_space is True" # whether we want RGB state or vector state self.vector_state = vector_state # agents + zombies + weapons self.num_tracked = ( num_archers + num_knights + max_zombies + num_knights + max_arrows ) self.use_typemasks = True if sequence_space else use_typemasks self.typemask_width = 6 self.vector_width = 4 + self.typemask_width if use_typemasks else 4 # Game Status self.frames = 0 self.render_mode = render_mode self.screen = None # Game Constants self._seed() self.spawn_rate = spawn_rate self.max_cycles = max_cycles self.pad_observation = pad_observation self.killable_knights = killable_knights self.killable_archers = killable_archers self.line_death = line_death self.num_archers = num_archers self.num_knights = num_knights self.max_zombies = max_zombies self.max_arrows = max_arrows # Represents agents to remove at end of cycle self.kill_list = [] self.agent_list = [] self.agents = [] self.dead_agents = [] self.agent_name_mapping = {} a_count = 0 for i in range(self.num_archers): a_name = "archer_" + str(i) self.agents.append(a_name) self.agent_name_mapping[a_name] = a_count a_count += 1 for i in range(self.num_knights): k_name = "knight_" + str(i) self.agents.append(k_name) self.agent_name_mapping[k_name] = a_count a_count += 1 shape = ( [512, 512, 3] if not self.vector_state else [self.num_tracked + 1, self.vector_width + 1] ) low = 0 if not self.vector_state else -1.0 high = 255 if not self.vector_state else 1.0 dtype = np.uint8 if not self.vector_state else np.float64 if not self.sequence_space: obs_space = Box(low=low, high=high, shape=shape, dtype=dtype) self.observation_spaces = dict( zip( self.agents, [obs_space for _ in enumerate(self.agents)], ) ) else: box_space = Box(low=low, high=high, shape=[shape[-1]], dtype=dtype) obs_space = Sequence(space=box_space, stack=True) self.observation_spaces = dict( zip( self.agents, [obs_space for _ in enumerate(self.agents)], ) ) self.action_spaces = dict( zip(self.agents, [Discrete(6) for _ in enumerate(self.agents)]) ) shape = ( [const.SCREEN_HEIGHT, const.SCREEN_WIDTH, 3] if not self.vector_state else [self.num_tracked, self.vector_width] ) low = 0 if not self.vector_state else -1.0 high = 255 if not self.vector_state else 1.0 dtype = np.uint8 if not self.vector_state else np.float64 self.state_space = Box( low=low, high=high, shape=shape, dtype=dtype, ) self.possible_agents = self.agents if self.render_mode == "human": self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.left_wall = get_image(os.path.join("img", "left_wall.png")) self.right_wall = get_image(os.path.join("img", "right_wall.png")) self.right_wall_rect = self.right_wall.get_rect() self.right_wall_rect.left = const.SCREEN_WIDTH - self.right_wall_rect.width self.floor_patch1 = get_image(os.path.join("img", "patch1.png")) self.floor_patch2 = get_image(os.path.join("img", "patch2.png")) self.floor_patch3 = get_image(os.path.join("img", "patch3.png")) self.floor_patch4 = get_image(os.path.join("img", "patch4.png")) self._agent_selector = agent_selector(self.agents) self.reinit()
[docs] def observation_space(self, agent): return self.observation_spaces[agent]
[docs] def action_space(self, agent): return self.action_spaces[agent]
def _seed(self, seed=None): self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed) # Spawn Zombies at Random Location at every 100 iterations def spawn_zombie(self): if len(self.zombie_list) < self.max_zombies: self.zombie_spawn_rate += 1 zombie = Zombie(self.np_random) if self.zombie_spawn_rate >= self.spawn_rate: zombie.rect.x = self.np_random.integers(0, const.SCREEN_WIDTH) zombie.rect.y = 5 self.zombie_list.add(zombie) self.zombie_spawn_rate = 0 # actuate weapons def action_weapon(self, action, agent): if action == 5: if agent.is_knight: if agent.weapon_timeout > const.SWORD_TIMEOUT: # make sure that the current knight doesn't have a sword already if len(agent.weapons) == 0: agent.weapons.add(Sword(agent)) if agent.is_archer: if agent.weapon_timeout > const.ARROW_TIMEOUT: # make sure that the screen has less arrows than allowable if self.num_active_arrows < self.max_arrows: agent.weapons.add(Arrow(agent)) # move weapons def update_weapons(self): for agent in self.agent_list: for weapon in list(agent.weapons): weapon.update() if not weapon.is_active: agent.weapons.remove(weapon) @property def num_active_arrows(self): num_arrows = 0 for agent in self.agent_list: if agent.is_archer: num_arrows += len(agent.weapons) return num_arrows @property def num_active_swords(self): num_swords = 0 for agent in self.agent_list: if agent.is_knight: num_swords += len(agent.weapons) return num_swords # Zombie Kills the Knight (also remove the sword) def zombit_hit_knight(self): for zombie in self.zombie_list: zombie_knight_list = pygame.sprite.spritecollide( zombie, self.knight_list, True ) for knight in zombie_knight_list: knight.alive = False knight.weapons.empty() if knight.agent_name not in self.kill_list: self.kill_list.append(knight.agent_name) self.knight_list.remove(knight) # Zombie Kills the Archer def zombie_hit_archer(self): for zombie in self.zombie_list: zombie_archer_list = pygame.sprite.spritecollide( zombie, self.archer_list, True ) for archer in zombie_archer_list: archer.alive = False self.archer_list.remove(archer) if archer.agent_name not in self.kill_list: self.kill_list.append(archer.agent_name) # Zombie Kills the Sword def sword_hit(self): for knight in self.knight_list: for sword in knight.weapons: zombie_sword_list = pygame.sprite.spritecollide( sword, self.zombie_list, True ) for zombie in zombie_sword_list: self.zombie_list.remove(zombie) sword.knight.score += 1 # Zombie Kills the Arrow def arrow_hit(self): for agent in self.agent_list: if agent.is_archer: for arrow in list(agent.weapons): zombie_arrow_list = pygame.sprite.spritecollide( arrow, self.zombie_list, True ) # For each zombie hit, remove the arrow, zombie and add to the score for zombie in zombie_arrow_list: agent.weapons.remove(arrow) self.zombie_list.remove(zombie) arrow.archer.score += 1 # Zombie reaches the End of the Screen def zombie_endscreen(self, run, zombie_list): for zombie in zombie_list: if zombie.rect.y > const.SCREEN_HEIGHT - const.ZOMBIE_Y_SPEED: run = False return run # Zombie Kills all Players def zombie_all_players(self, run, knight_list, archer_list): if not knight_list and not archer_list: run = False return run
[docs] def observe(self, agent): if not self.vector_state: screen = pygame.surfarray.pixels3d(self.screen) i = self.agent_name_mapping[agent] agent_obj = self.agent_list[i] agent_position = (agent_obj.rect.x, agent_obj.rect.y) if not agent_obj.alive: cropped = np.zeros((512, 512, 3), dtype=np.uint8) else: min_x = agent_position[0] - 256 max_x = agent_position[0] + 256 min_y = agent_position[1] - 256 max_y = agent_position[1] + 256 lower_y_bound = max(min_y, 0) upper_y_bound = min(max_y, const.SCREEN_HEIGHT) lower_x_bound = max(min_x, 0) upper_x_bound = min(max_x, const.SCREEN_WIDTH) startx = lower_x_bound - min_x starty = lower_y_bound - min_y endx = 512 + upper_x_bound - max_x endy = 512 + upper_y_bound - max_y cropped = np.zeros_like(self.observation_spaces[agent].low) cropped[startx:endx, starty:endy, :] = screen[ lower_x_bound:upper_x_bound, lower_y_bound:upper_y_bound, : ] return np.swapaxes(cropped, 1, 0) else: # get the agent agent = self.agent_list[self.agent_name_mapping[agent]] # get the agent position agent_state = agent.vector_state agent_pos = np.expand_dims(agent_state[0:2], axis=0) # get vector state of everything vector_state = self.get_vector_state() state = vector_state[:, -4:] is_dead = np.sum(np.abs(state), axis=1) == 0.0 all_ids = vector_state[:, :-4] all_pos = state[:, 0:2] all_ang = state[:, 2:4] # get relative positions rel_pos = all_pos - agent_pos # get norm of relative distance norm_pos = np.linalg.norm(rel_pos, axis=1, keepdims=True) / np.sqrt(2) # kill dead things all_ids[is_dead] *= 0 all_ang[is_dead] *= 0 rel_pos[is_dead] *= 0 norm_pos[is_dead] *= 0 # combine the typemasks, positions and angles state = np.concatenate([all_ids, norm_pos, rel_pos, all_ang], axis=-1) # get the agent state as absolute vector # typemask is one longer to also include norm_pos if self.use_typemasks: typemask = np.zeros(self.typemask_width + 1) typemask[-2] = 1.0 else: typemask = np.array([0.0]) agent_state = agent.vector_state agent_state = np.concatenate([typemask, agent_state], axis=0) agent_state = np.expand_dims(agent_state, axis=0) # prepend agent state to the observation state = np.concatenate([agent_state, state], axis=0) if self.sequence_space: # remove pure zero rows if using sequence space state = state[~np.all(state == 0, axis=-1)] return state
[docs] def state(self): """Returns an observation of the global environment.""" if not self.vector_state: state = pygame.surfarray.pixels3d(self.screen).copy() state = np.rot90(state, k=3) state = np.fliplr(state) else: state = self.get_vector_state() return state
def get_vector_state(self): state = [] typemask = np.array([]) # handle agents for agent_name in self.possible_agents: if agent_name not in self.dead_agents: agent = self.agent_list[self.agent_name_mapping[agent_name]] if self.use_typemasks: typemask = np.zeros(self.typemask_width) if agent.is_archer: typemask[1] = 1.0 elif agent.is_knight: typemask[2] = 1.0 vector = np.concatenate((typemask, agent.vector_state), axis=0) state.append(vector) else: state.append(np.zeros(self.vector_width)) # handle swords for agent in self.agent_list: if agent.is_knight: for sword in agent.weapons: if self.use_typemasks: typemask = np.zeros(self.typemask_width) typemask[4] = 1.0 vector = np.concatenate((typemask, sword.vector_state), axis=0) state.append(vector) # handle empty swords state.extend( repeat( np.zeros(self.vector_width), self.num_knights - self.num_active_swords, ) ) # handle arrows for agent in self.agent_list: if agent.is_archer: for arrow in agent.weapons: if self.use_typemasks: typemask = np.zeros(self.typemask_width) typemask[3] = 1.0 vector = np.concatenate((typemask, arrow.vector_state), axis=0) state.append(vector) # handle empty arrows state.extend( repeat( np.zeros(self.vector_width), self.max_arrows - self.num_active_arrows, ) ) # handle zombies for zombie in self.zombie_list: if self.use_typemasks: typemask = np.zeros(self.typemask_width) typemask[0] = 1.0 vector = np.concatenate((typemask, zombie.vector_state), axis=0) state.append(vector) # handle empty zombies state.extend( repeat( np.zeros(self.vector_width), self.max_zombies - len(self.zombie_list), ) ) return np.stack(state, axis=0)
[docs] def step(self, action): # check if the particular agent is done if ( self.terminations[self.agent_selection] or self.truncations[self.agent_selection] ): self._was_dead_step(action) return # agent_list : list of agent instance indexed by number # agent_name_mapping: dict of {str, idx} for agent index and name # agent_selection : str representing the agent name # agent: agent instance agent = self.agent_list[self.agent_name_mapping[self.agent_selection]] # cumulative rewards from previous iterations should be cleared self._cumulative_rewards[self.agent_selection] = 0 agent.score = 0 # this is... so whacky... but all actions here are index with 1 so... ok action = action + 1 out_of_bounds = agent.update(action) # check for out of bounds death if self.line_death and out_of_bounds: agent.alive = False if agent in self.archer_list: self.archer_list.remove(agent) else: agent.weapons.empty() self.knight_list.remove(agent) self.kill_list.append(agent.agent_name) # actuate the weapon if necessary self.action_weapon(action, agent) # Do these things once per cycle if self._agent_selector.is_last(): # Update the weapons self.update_weapons() # Zombie Kills the Sword self.sword_hit() # Zombie Kills the Arrow self.arrow_hit() # Zombie Kills the Archer if self.killable_archers: self.zombie_hit_archer() # Zombie Kills the Knight if self.killable_knights: self.zombit_hit_knight() # update some zombies for zombie in self.zombie_list: zombie.update() # Spawning Zombies at Random Location at every 100 iterations self.spawn_zombie() if self.screen is not None: self.draw() self.check_game_end() self.frames += 1 terminate = not truncate = self.frames >= self.max_cycles self.terminations = {a: terminate for a in self.agents} self.truncations = {a: truncate for a in self.agents} # manage the kill list if self._agent_selector.is_last(): # start iterating on only the living agents _live_agents = self.agents[:] for k in self.kill_list: # kill the agent _live_agents.remove(k) # set the termination for this agent for one round self.terminations[k] = True # add that we know this guy is dead self.dead_agents.append(k) # reset the kill list self.kill_list = [] # reinit the agent selector with existing agents self._agent_selector.reinit(_live_agents) # if there still exist agents, get the next one if len(self._agent_selector.agent_order): self.agent_selection = self._clear_rewards() next_agent = self.agent_list[self.agent_name_mapping[self.agent_selection]] self.rewards[self.agent_selection] = next_agent.score self._accumulate_rewards() self._deads_step_first() if self.render_mode == "human": self.render()
def draw(self): self.screen.fill((66, 40, 53)) self.screen.blit(self.left_wall, self.left_wall.get_rect()) self.screen.blit(self.right_wall, self.right_wall_rect) self.screen.blit(self.floor_patch1, (500, 500)) self.screen.blit(self.floor_patch2, (900, 30)) self.screen.blit(self.floor_patch3, (150, 430)) self.screen.blit(self.floor_patch4, (300, 50)) self.screen.blit(self.floor_patch1, (1000, 250)) # draw all the sprites self.zombie_list.draw(self.screen) for agent in self.agent_list: agent.weapons.draw(self.screen) self.archer_list.draw(self.screen) self.knight_list.draw(self.screen)
[docs] def render(self): if self.render_mode is None: gymnasium.logger.warn( "You are calling render method without specifying any render mode." ) return if self.screen is None: pygame.init() if self.render_mode == "human": self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode( [const.SCREEN_WIDTH, const.SCREEN_HEIGHT] ) pygame.display.set_caption("Knights, Archers, Zombies") elif self.render_mode == "rgb_array": self.screen = pygame.Surface((const.SCREEN_WIDTH, const.SCREEN_HEIGHT)) self.draw() observation = np.array(pygame.surfarray.pixels3d(self.screen)) if self.render_mode == "human": pygame.display.flip() self.clock.tick(self.metadata["render_fps"]) return ( np.transpose(observation, axes=(1, 0, 2)) if self.render_mode == "rgb_array" else None )
[docs] def close(self): if self.screen is not None: pygame.quit() self.screen = None
def check_game_end(self): # Zombie reaches the End of the Screen = self.zombie_endscreen(, self.zombie_list) # Zombie Kills all Players = self.zombie_all_players(, self.knight_list, self.archer_list) def reinit(self): # Dictionaries for holding new players and their weapons self.archer_dict = {} self.knight_dict = {} # Game Variables self.score = 0 = True self.zombie_spawn_rate = 0 self.knight_player_num = self.archer_player_num = 0 # Creating Sprite Groups self.zombie_list = pygame.sprite.Group() self.archer_list = pygame.sprite.Group() self.knight_list = pygame.sprite.Group() # agent_list is a list of instances # agents is s list of strings self.agent_list = [] self.agents = [] self.dead_agents = [] for i in range(self.num_archers): name = "archer_" + str(i) self.archer_dict[f"archer{self.archer_player_num}"] = Archer( agent_name=name ) self.archer_dict[f"archer{self.archer_player_num}"].offset(i * 50, 0) self.archer_list.add(self.archer_dict[f"archer{self.archer_player_num}"]) self.agent_list.append(self.archer_dict[f"archer{self.archer_player_num}"]) if i != self.num_archers - 1: self.archer_player_num += 1 for i in range(self.num_knights): name = "knight_" + str(i) self.knight_dict[f"knight{self.knight_player_num}"] = Knight( agent_name=name ) self.knight_dict[f"knight{self.knight_player_num}"].offset(i * 50, 0) self.knight_list.add(self.knight_dict[f"knight{self.knight_player_num}"]) self.agent_list.append(self.knight_dict[f"knight{self.knight_player_num}"]) if i != self.num_knights - 1: self.knight_player_num += 1 self.agent_name_mapping = {} a_count = 0 for i in range(self.num_archers): a_name = "archer_" + str(i) self.agents.append(a_name) self.agent_name_mapping[a_name] = a_count a_count += 1 for i in range(self.num_knights): k_name = "knight_" + str(i) self.agents.append(k_name) self.agent_name_mapping[k_name] = a_count a_count += 1 if self.render_mode is not None: self.render() else: self.screen = pygame.Surface((const.SCREEN_WIDTH, const.SCREEN_HEIGHT)) self.frames = 0
[docs] def reset(self, seed=None, options=None): if seed is not None: self._seed(seed=seed) self.agents = self.possible_agents self._agent_selector.reinit(self.agents) self.agent_selection = self.rewards = dict(zip(self.agents, [0 for _ in self.agents])) self._cumulative_rewards = {a: 0 for a in self.agents} self.terminations = dict(zip(self.agents, [False for _ in self.agents])) self.truncations = dict(zip(self.agents, [False for _ in self.agents])) self.infos = dict(zip(self.agents, [{} for _ in self.agents])) self.reinit()
# The original code for this game, that was added by J K Terry, was # created by Dipam Patel in a different repository (hence the git history) # Game art purchased from # and