Source code for pettingzoo.atari.foozpong.foozpong

# noqa: D212, D415
# Foozpong

```{figure} atari_foozpong.gif
:width: 140px
:name: foozpong

This environment is part of the <a href='..'>Atari environments</a>. Please read that page first for general information.

| Import               | `from pettingzoo.atari import foozpong_v3`               |
| Actions              | Discrete                                                 |
| Parallel API         | Yes                                                      |
| Manual Control       | No                                                       |
| Agents               | `agents= ['first_0', 'second_0', 'third_0', 'fourth_0']` |
| Agents               | 4                                                        |
| Action Shape         | (1,)                                                     |
| Action Values        | [0,5]                                                    |
| Observation Shape    | (210, 160, 3)                                            |
| Observation Values   | (0,255)                                                  |

Four player team battle.

Get the ball past your opponent's defenders to the scoring area. Like traditional foozball, the board has alternating layers of paddles from each team between the goal areas. To succeed at this game, the two players on each side must coordinate to allow the ball to be passed between these layers
up the board and into your opponent's scoring area. Specifically,
`first_0` and `third_0` are on one team and `second_0` and `fourth_0` are on the other.

Scoring a point gives your team +1 reward and your opponent's team -1 reward.

Serves are timed: If the player does not serve within 2 seconds of receiving the ball, their team receives -1 points, and the timer resets. This prevents one player from indefinitely stalling the game, but also means it is no longer a purely zero sum game.

[Official Video Olympics manual](

#### Environment parameters

Some environment parameters are common to all Atari environments and are described in the [base Atari documentation](../atari).

Parameters specific to Foozpong are

``` python

`num_players`:  Number of players (must be either 2 or 4)

### Action Space (Minimal)

In any given turn, an agent can choose from one of 6 actions.

| Action    | Behavior  |
| 0         | No operation |
| 1         | Fire |
| 2         | Move up |
| 3         | Move right |
| 4         | Move left |
| 5         | Move down |

### Version History

* v3: Minimal Action Space (1.18.0)
* v2: No action timer (1.9.0)
* v1: Breaking changes to entire API (1.4.0)
* v0: Initial versions release (1.0.0)


import os
from glob import glob

from pettingzoo.atari.base_atari_env import (

[docs] def raw_env(num_players=4, **kwargs): assert num_players == 2 or num_players == 4, "pong only supports 2 or 4 players" mode_mapping = {2: 19, 4: 21} mode = mode_mapping[num_players] name = os.path.basename(__file__).split(".")[0] parent_file = glob( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), name + "*.py") ) version_num = parent_file[0].split("_")[-1].split(".")[0] name = name + "_" + version_num return BaseAtariEnv( game="pong", num_players=num_players, mode_num=mode, env_name=name, **kwargs )
env = base_env_wrapper_fn(raw_env) parallel_env = parallel_wrapper_fn(env)