# noqa: D212, D415
# Basketball Pong
```{figure} atari_basketball_pong.gif
:width: 140px
:name: basketball_pong
This environment is part of the <a href='..'>Atari environments</a>. Please read that page first for general information.
| Import | `from pettingzoo.atari import basketball_pong_v3` |
| Actions | Discrete |
| Parallel API | Yes |
| Manual Control | No |
| Agents | `agents= ['first_0', 'second_0']` |
| Agents | 2 |
| Action Shape | (1,) |
| Action Values | [0,5] |
| Observation Shape | (210, 160, 3) |
| Observation Values | (0,255) |
A competitive game of control.
Try to get the ball in your opponents hoop. But you cannot move on their side of the court. Scoring a point also gives your opponent -1 reward.
Serves are timed: If the player does not serve within 2 seconds of receiving the ball, they receive -1 points, and the timer resets. This prevents one player from indefinitely stalling the game, but also means it is no longer a purely zero sum game.
[Official Video Olympics manual](https://atariage.com/manual_html_page.php?SoftwareLabelID=587)
#### Environment parameters
Some environment parameters are common to all Atari environments and are described in the [base Atari documentation](../atari).
Parameters specific to Basketball_Pong are
``` python
`num_players`: Number of players (must be either 2 or 4)
### Action Space (Minimal)
In any given turn, an agent can choose from one of 6 actions.
| Action | Behavior |
| 0 | No operation |
| 1 | Fire |
| 2 | Move up |
| 3 | Move right |
| 4 | Move left |
| 5 | Move down |
### Version History
* v3: Minimal action space (1.18.0)
* v2: No action timer (1.9.0)
* v1: Breaking changes to entire API (1.4.0)
* v0: Initial versions release (1.0.0)
import os
from glob import glob
from pettingzoo.atari.base_atari_env import (
def raw_env(num_players=2, **kwargs):
assert num_players == 2 or num_players == 4, "pong only supports 2 or 4 players"
mode_mapping = {2: 45, 4: 49}
mode = mode_mapping[num_players]
name = os.path.basename(__file__).split(".")[0]
parent_file = glob(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), name + "*.py")
version_num = parent_file[0].split("_")[-1].split(".")[0]
name = name + "_" + version_num
return BaseAtariEnv(
game="pong", num_players=num_players, mode_num=mode, env_name=name, **kwargs
env = base_env_wrapper_fn(raw_env)
parallel_env = parallel_wrapper_fn(env)