Maze Craze¶

This environment is part of the Atari environments. Please read that page first for general information.
Import |
Actions |
Discrete |
Parallel API |
Yes |
Manual Control |
No |
Agents |
Agents |
2 |
Action Shape |
(1,) |
Action Values |
[0,17] |
Observation Shape |
(250, 160, 3) |
Observation Values |
(0,255) |
A competitive game of memory and planning!
Its a race to leave the maze. There are 3 main versions of the game.
Race: A basic version of the game. First to leave the maze wins
Robbers: There are 2 robbers randomly traversing the maze. If you are captured by the robbers, you lose the game, and receive -1 reward, and will be done. The player that has not been captured will not receive any reward, but they can still exit the maze and win, scoring +1 reward.
Capture: Each player have to capture all 3 robbers before you are able to exit the maze. Additionally, you can confuse your opponent (and yourself, if you are not careful!) by creating a block that looks identical to a wall in the maze, but all players can pass through it. You can only create one wall at a time, when you create a new one, the old one disappears.
The first player to leave the maze scores +1, the other player scores -1 (unless that other player has already been captured in Robbers mode).
Official Maze craze manual. Note that the table of modes has some inaccuracies. In particular, game mode 12 has Blockade enabled, not mode 11.
Environment parameters¶
Some environment parameters are common to all Atari environments and are described in the base Atari documentation.
Parameters specific to Maze Craze are
maze_craze_v3.env(game_version="robbers", visibilty_level=0)
: Possibilities are “robbers”, “race”, “capture”, corresponding to the 3 game versions described above
: A number from 0-3. Set to 0 for 100% visible map, and 3 for 0% visibility map.
Action Space¶
In any given turn, an agent can choose from one of 18 actions.
Action |
Behavior |
0 |
No operation |
1 |
Fire |
2 |
Move up |
3 |
Move right |
4 |
Move left |
5 |
Move down |
6 |
Move upright |
7 |
Move upleft |
8 |
Move downright |
9 |
Move downleft |
10 |
Fire up |
11 |
Fire right |
12 |
Fire left |
13 |
Fire down |
14 |
Fire upright |
15 |
Fire upleft |
16 |
Fire downright |
17 |
Fire downleft |
Version History¶
v3: Minimal Action Space (1.18.0)
v2: Breaking changes to entire API (1.4.0)
v1: Fixes to how all environments handle premature death (1.3.0)
v0: Initial versions release (1.0.0)
from pettingzoo.atari import maze_craze_v3
env = maze_craze_v3.env(render_mode="human")
for agent in env.agent_iter():
observation, reward, termination, truncation, info = env.last()
if termination or truncation:
action = None
# this is where you would insert your policy
action = env.action_space(agent).sample()
from pettingzoo.atari import maze_craze_v3
env = maze_craze_v3.parallel_env(render_mode="human")
observations, infos = env.reset()
while env.agents:
# this is where you would insert your policy
actions = {agent: env.action_space(agent).sample() for agent in env.agents}
observations, rewards, terminations, truncations, infos = env.step(actions)