Texas Hold’em¶

This environment is part of the classic environments. Please read that page first for general information.
Import |
Actions |
Discrete |
Parallel API |
Yes |
Manual Control |
No |
Agents |
Agents |
2 |
Action Shape |
Discrete(4) |
Action Values |
Discrete(4) |
Observation Shape |
(72,) |
Observation Values |
[0, 1] |
: Sets the number of players in the game. Minimum is 2.
Observation Space¶
The observation is a dictionary which contains an 'observation'
element which is the usual RL observation described below, and an 'action_mask'
which holds the legal moves, described in the Legal Actions Mask section.
The main observation space is a vector of 72 boolean integers. The first 52 entries depict the current player’s hand plus any community cards as follows
Index |
Description |
0 - 12 |
Spades |
13 - 25 |
Hearts |
26 - 38 |
Diamonds |
39 - 51 |
Clubs |
52 - 56 |
Chips raised in Round 1 |
57 - 61 |
Chips raised in Round 2 |
62 - 66 |
Chips raised in Round 3 |
67 - 71 |
Chips raised in Round 4 |
Legal Actions Mask¶
The legal moves available to the current agent are found in the action_mask
element of the dictionary observation. The action_mask
is a binary vector where each index of the vector represents whether the action is legal or not. The action_mask
will be all zeros for any agent except the one
whose turn it is. Taking an illegal move ends the game with a reward of -1 for the illegally moving agent and a reward of 0 for all other agents.
Action Space¶
Action ID |
Action |
0 |
Call |
1 |
Raise |
2 |
Fold |
3 |
Check |
Winner |
Loser |
+raised chips/2 |
-raised chips/2 |
Version History¶
v4: Upgrade to RLCard 1.0.3 (1.11.0)
v3: Fixed bug in arbitrary calls to observe() (1.8.0)
v2: Bumped RLCard version, bug fixes, legal action mask in observation replaced illegal move list in infos (1.5.0)
v1: Bumped RLCard version, fixed observation space, adopted new agent iteration scheme where all agents are iterated over after they are done (1.4.0)
v0: Initial versions release (1.0.0)
from pettingzoo.classic import texas_holdem_v4
env = texas_holdem_v4.env(render_mode="human")
for agent in env.agent_iter():
observation, reward, termination, truncation, info = env.last()
if termination or truncation:
action = None
mask = observation["action_mask"]
# this is where you would insert your policy
action = env.action_space(agent).sample(mask)
- class pettingzoo.classic.rlcard_envs.texas_holdem.raw_env(num_players: int = 2, render_mode: str | None = None, screen_height: int | None = 1000)[source]¶
- render()[source]¶
Renders the environment as specified by self.render_mode.
Render mode can be human to display a window. Other render modes in the default environments are ‘rgb_array’ which returns a numpy array and is supported by all environments outside of classic, and ‘ansi’ which returns the strings printed (specific to classic environments).