Third-Party Environments

These environments are not maintained by Farama Foundation and, as such, cannot be guaranteed to function as intended.

Environments using the latest versions of PettingZoo

Due to a very recent major release of PettingZoo, there are currently few contributed third-party environments. If you’d like to contribute one, please reach out on Discord.


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PettingZoo (and Gymnasium) wrappers for the widely used SUMO traffic simulation.


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Partially-Observable Grid Environment for Multiple Agents (POGEMA) is a grid-based environment that was specifically designed to be flexible, tunable and scalable.

Racecar Gym

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A multi-agent racing environment for a miniature, F1Tenth-like racecar using the Bullet physics engine with PyBullet.

Teamfight Tactics MuZero Agent

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Using Google DeepMind’s MuZero algorithm to learn to play Teamfight Tactics, an auto chess game made by Riot games.


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CookingZoo: a gym-cooking derivative to simulate a complex cooking environment.


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A library for doing reinforcement learning using Crazyflie drones.

DSSE: Drone Swarm Search Environment

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A single and multi-agent environment to train swarms of drones for maritime search.

PettingZoo Dilemma Envs

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PettingZoo environments for classic game theory problems: Prisoner’s Dilemma, Samaritan’s Dilemma, Stag Hunt, Chicken and Matching Pennies.


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Modernized clone of the Breakout arcade game, using Unity game engine and PettingZoo.

Carla Gym

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PettingZoo interface for CARLA Autonomous Driving simulator.


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A multi-agent traffic scenario environment for CARLA that supports ScenarioRunner, OpenScenario and Scenic scenario descriptions. It is also compatible with the CARLA Autonomous Driving Challenge.

Fanorona AEC

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Implementation of the board game Fanorona.


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Interactive PettingZoo implementation of the Gobblet board game.


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Interactive PettingZoo implementation of the Cathedral board game.

Interactive Connect Four

PettingZoo version dependency HuggingFace likes

Play Connect Four in real-time against an RLlib agent trained via self-play and PPO.

Environments using older versions of PettingZoo

The following environments use a now-depreciated API design for PettingZoo, so may be more difficult to use.

Neural MMO

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Massively multiagent environment, inspired by Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) role-playing games.

Sequential Social Dilemma Games

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An open-source implementation of DeepMind’s Sequential Social Dilemma (SSD) multi-agent game-theoretic environments [1].

  • Note: DeepMind’s recently released Meltingpot includes these scenarios and many more, and can be used with PettingZoo via a Shimmy conversion wrapper.

Kaggle Environments

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Environments for Kaggle machine learning challenges.


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Library of Environments, Human Actor UIs and Agent implementation for Human In the Loop Learning & Reinforcement Learning.

Stone Ground Hearth Battles

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Simulator and environments for Blizzard’s popular card game Hearthstone Grounds, including bots and human-interaction.

Cyber Operations Research Gym

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A cyber-security research environment for training and development of security human and autonomous agents.


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Conflict resolution for multiple vehicles in confined spaces.


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PettingZoo environment for online multi-player game Battlesnake.


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Environment with a simplified version of the video game BomberMan.

Galaga AI

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Implementation of the Galaga arcade game using Unity game engine and Unity ML-Agents.


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Implementation of the board game SkyJo.

Mu Torere

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Implementation of the board game Mū tōrere from New Zealand.